Always on the Right Side of the Issues

December 2, 2008

Best Idea I’ve heard yet.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — choosetheright @ 5:20 pm

So I really only like to blog when I get excited about something.  And I just heard this on the radio and went straight to my computer.  Apparently there’s a congressman in Texas, Louie Gohmert who has proposed that the government lets us all keep all our money that we earn in January in February.  Absolutely no taxes taken out.  Every penny you earn, you get to keep.  You can read all the details here: 

He does have high hopes for this plan, saying that small businesses will be able to create jobs, people will start spending like crazy, and it will electrify the economy.  Now I’m not sure about all that… but I realized that if my husband had no taxes taken out of his paycheck I would not have to work.  Right now I need to work only once a week for ends to meet… I bring home a whopping $300 a month AFTER my taxes are taken out. 

Anyway, I am all for this, and have already written to my state congressmen to sign onto this bill, and urge you to do the same.

1 Comment »

  1. That’s not such a bad idea at all. I mean we’d have to look at what cost there is to the govt vs the proposed “stimulus packages” But then again the amount of money we have been spending and will be spending in the next year cant be too bad. My vote is for it. I say scratch the current tax system all together and have a flat tax which would certainly put more money in a majority of this country but we can thank our bureaucracy for that one. To quote someone famous and cant remember “Bureaucracy is the art of making the possible impossible.”

    Comment by Bill — December 5, 2008 @ 1:41 pm

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